Survey work at harbor beach 3.18.2025

We confirm that preparatory work for the harbor’s future development/improvement has begun. In September 2024, AECOM flew its drones to do aerial surveys of the coral flats as part of the state-wide photometry survey for sea level rise modeling. Yesterday, a ground survey crew was in the area. They were surveying the areas encompassed in the planned improvements and, likely, a new pier proposed in the HI Commercial Harbors Masterplan 2035 for Kawaihae Harbor.Read more “Survey work at harbor beach 3.18.2025”

green sea turtles 2025

green sea turtle
green sea turtle 20250306

The visibility of the water on the Kawaihae Reef outside the harbor was exceptional on March 06, 2025. After months of winter swells, there was a lull in the surf, and the water cleared up. I went for a snorkel tour in the inviting water. Green sea turtles were observed traversing and feeding within a short time, sometimes in pairs.… Read more “green sea turtles 2025”

manta rays 02.09.2025

We have a theory to test: efoils or motorized surfboards affect the feeding patterns of manta rays in this area. Efoilers are using this surf break more often, and we need to understand the implications for the safety of both mantas and sea turtles.

Mantas are much easier to spot than smaller resident sea turtles.… Read more “manta rays 02.09.2025”

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