This Stiff Matensia Seaweed, Martensia flabelliformis, was found in 6ft of water and is uncommon according to Keoki Stender . … Read more “martensia flabelliformis, uncommon”
warning signage for manta rays feeding area
This is a work in progress for warning signs targeting foil borders to remind them to take caution when traversing manta rays’ feeding areas along the Kawaihae break wall during surf seasons. Foils on board extend to three feet below the surface when in operation. Manta rays often feed just below the surface here.… Read more “warning signage for manta rays feeding area”
severe structural damage to military pier # 3 with updates
While snorkeling with friends, I saw these severe structural damage on the third platform at Kawaihae Harbor on December 12, 2022. About 50% of the piers or pylons are damaged. I only saw the tops and have no idea what the bottom is like.… Read more “severe structural damage to military pier # 3 with updates”