severe structural damage to military dolphin pier # 3 with updates

This is a beauty, sheared completely at the top
Another beauty contender with an almost complete decapitation.

While snorkeling with friends, I saw these severe structural damage on the third platform at Kawaihae Harbor on December 12, 2022. About 50% of the piers or pylons are damaged. I only saw the tops and have no idea what the bottom is like.… Read more “severe structural damage to military dolphin pier # 3 with updates”

hulakai grounded third time in the same spot on coral reef 8.24.2018

Three strikes. The boat Hulakai broke from its mooring in Kawaihae Harbor possibly from strong wind as Hurricane Lane passes offshore. When I arrived around 11: 15 AM, the Fire Department helicopter hovering above, fire truck and other emergency vehicles, DLNR police officers and on-onlookers were gathering. The owner of Hulakai was been questioned by officers. … Read more “hulakai grounded third time in the same spot on coral reef 8.24.2018”

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