Post 05102024 flashfloods brief coral survey
Update 09182027
Road repair is the responsibility of DLNR and not DOT Harbors, according to DOT personnel.
Update 08212024
The images below show the washed-out road near the gulch’s outflow. The road appeared to be constructed on coral fill without protective measures against the potential for flash floods. ( The map base does not show the most current condition).… Read more “Post 05102024 flashfloods brief coral survey”
clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation
This post is an ongoing conversation with EPA personnel regarding Kawaihae Harbor improvements.
I reviewed Section 404, as you mentioned only briefly. I also looked further into MPRSA Sections 102 and 103.
Please help us understand a few things as follows.
Section 404
Section 404 of the CWA provides for a permit program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.… Read more “clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation”