Project Tugboat Used Explosives on Kawaihae Reef 1972

explosions on kawaihae reef 1972
Screen grab of an explosion on Kawaihae Reef

45; Documentary Film from US Army Corps of Engineers about Project Tugboat and the use of explosives for harbor excavation. This film is part of the Water Resources Collection and Archives at the University of California, Riverside. Opening Credits: “The United States Army Corps of Engineers Presents A Harbor for Kawaihae: The Story of Project Tugboat.”… Read more “Project Tugboat Used Explosives on Kawaihae Reef 1972”

porites monticulosa ,plate and knob coral, uncommon

porites monticulosa, plate and knob coral 2022.10.12

Kawaihae reef has spurs that point outward to the west. These are finger-like reef features that grip the sand in between. Sometimes there are narrow canyons that wind through the spurs and onto the deeper water. At this location, the Porites monticulosa, (plate and knob) corals take up residence.… Read more “porites monticulosa ,plate and knob coral, uncommon”

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