We saw two gloomy nudibranchs today that exceeds the listed sizes for this species. They are minimum 5 inches compared to published sizes up to 3-4 inches.
… Read more “giant gloomy nudibranchs”new dotidae nudibranch species to hawaii
doto sp#2
This Dotidae nudibranch species has not been seen in Hawaii according to Pauline Fiene of Sea slugs of Hawaii. Cory Pittman was in contact with me today and let me know that they will identify this as Doto sp#2, very boring name, so say hello to our new friend.… Read more “new dotidae nudibranch species to hawaii”
season of the nudibranchs
Nudibranchs climb up to snorkeling depth in April possibly onto May. They are certainly more abundant. The species I documented are cataloged here .… Read more “season of the nudibranchs”