Focus on limiting Federal Funding for the Kawaihae Harbor Improvements
We will attempt to reduce federal funding for HDOT’s future improvements at Kawaihae Harbor by contacting congressional oversight committees responsible for distributing those federal funds to tell them HDOT needs to be more forthcoming about the Kawaihae Harbor improvement plans.
Simply put, HDOT will continue to request funding for its improvements.… Read more “Focus on limiting Federal Funding for the Kawaihae Harbor Improvements”
A Black family got their beach back — and inspired others to fight against land theft

Bethany Mollenkof for NPR
From NPR:
This is a story about how land was taken away in 1924, when Manhattan Beach, California city officials invoke eminent domain to claim land from African American families; and how they got it back almost one hundred years later.… Read more “A Black family got their beach back — and inspired others to fight against land theft”