Three strikes. The boat Hulakai broke from its mooring in Kawaihae Harbor possibly from strong wind as Hurricane Lane passes offshore. When I arrived around 11: 15 AM, the Fire Department helicopter hovering above, fire truck and other emergency vehicles, DLNR police officers and on-onlookers were gathering. The owner of Hulakai was been questioned by officers. I texted DAR and Lindsey Kramer arrive shortly.
Hulakai has broken from mooring and damaged coral in the area twice already ( read more ) DAR did access the damages and reported ( more here). Kramer said DAR team may take a closer look to survey the damage this Sunday.

This stretch of reef had rich and abundance coral colonies until the global coral bleaching event and massive run off of 2015 smoother it entirely. Since then the reef is making a 20-30% recovery. The coral reef inside the harbor is protected from the strong surges and is ideal nursery for sea life.
What are the consequences for the owner of the Hulakai after the third grounding on the same batch of coral reef ? There were many more witnesses and governmental agencies present this third time. I can only hope that the owner pay for the damages to the coral as per State Law and lose his mooring.
There is damage to live coral and live rock as determined by DAR’s Coral and Live Rock rules of Hawaii. (HAR 13-95)