This is a compilation of posts relating to imminent destruction of the coral flats beach or LSD beach at Kawaihae Harbor when Department of Transportation implements its harbor expansion plan 2035.
wildlife inventory and issues affecting kawaihae coral reef
This is a compilation of posts relating to imminent destruction of the coral flats beach or LSD beach at Kawaihae Harbor when Department of Transportation implements its harbor expansion plan 2035.
Is there any opportunity for action at this time–contacting agencies that issue approvals, like DLNR and County Planning Commission? Mahalo!
Aloha Cory,
I think there is time, but we need to get organized and be prepared to make our demands. I spoke to folks and the general consensus is it is Hawaii DOT wish list and it is in the future , so it may not happen. Until it is not on their wish list or on their plans, the expansion will happen. You probably know this more than I do as a newbie to activism. The public needs to make a few demands and until they are met. No construction. That would be my wish. You can reach me at instead of here.