While snorkeling with friends, I saw these severe structural damage on the third platform at Kawaihae Harbor on December 12, 2022. About 50% of the piers or pylons are damaged. I only saw the tops and have no idea what the bottom is like. Some of the piers’ top connections to the platform are sheared off and are only held together by concrete reinforcements, steel rods, or cables. This appears to happen within the last few heavy wind days prior. Probably from a collision with the military landing vessel. I could be wrong.
This is a public safety issue; structurally, the dock appears too damaged to use until repairs are made. People and kids are jumping off these docks daily, and more and more divers are seen diving under these platforms. Spalding concrete can definitely hurt someone below.
I contacted Harbor security and they said it is not their jurisdiction and gave me the email address of the Lieutenant Commander of Pokakuloa Training Area, PTA. I wrote two emails, one was a follow-up on 12/15/2022. No replies, not even a thank you.
I also contacted friends at DAR, Department of Aquatic Resources Hawaii. They were the only ones that appear to be concerned and have reached out to BOBAR, DOT Harbors, and USACE.
A few things come to mind in my opinion, the pier was damaged by one of their transport vessels that frequent the Kawaihae harbor while ferrying troops and equipment back and forth between the island. The Captain and crew of that vessel probably never intended to survey the damage after the collision(s), because as far as they are concerned the piers should be designed to allow minor collisions. They may have deemed the collision to be so minor that it does not warrant a collision report.
My reporting to them may have opened up a can of worms. Now they will have to investigate what happened and who did it. The short-term consequence is that they will have to negotiate new places and ways to unload and load equipment. Or it is not a big deal to the Army or USACE.
The long-term consequence will be how the repair and new construction affect the very nearby reef (20-25ft). It is always about the reef and its biology. This is why this blog exists. These piers themselves are currently rich with life. Many of the creature photos populating this blog site were taken right under them.
Update 01.22.2023
I saw a tug-barge with military vehicles on deck. It appears that the military is forgoing the LSV and instead are using commercial transport. I think they did get the message that it is damaged. However, the public still does not.

Update 1.30.2023
I was wrong to assume that the military has opted for another means to transport their “logistic support” to Kawaihae Harbor. Photos below were taken on 1.24.2023 show LSV3, Logistic Support Vessel 3, was docked at the severely damaged third pier.

Update 04.12.2024
USACE Hydraulic Engineer Stephen England and his divers and support staff crew were here to inspect the dolphins ( military docking piers). I briefed them on the damage to the third pier.