hulakai grounded third time in the same spot on coral reef 8.24.2018

Three strikes. The boat Hulakai broke from its mooring in Kawaihae Harbor possibly from strong wind as Hurricane Lane passes offshore. When I arrived around 11: 15 AM, the Fire Department helicopter hovering above, fire truck and other emergency vehicles, DLNR police officers and on-onlookers were gathering. The owner of Hulakai was been questioned by officers. … Read more “hulakai grounded third time in the same spot on coral reef 8.24.2018”

DAR assessing coral damages from Hulakai's double groundings

January 27, 2017
Division of Aquatic Resources,DAR arrived at Kawaihae Harbor late morning to assess the damages to the coral reef resulting from Hulakai’s double groundings.
The Hulakai’s second grounding caused more damage to live corals than its first grounding. Large areas were leveled to rubble as the sailboat dragged on its anchor and ended on the reef just north of where it was on Sunday, January 22, 2017.… Read more “DAR assessing coral damages from Hulakai's double groundings”

Hulakai damaged coral reef

As seen this afternoon, the sailboat Hulakai broke from its mooring and ran aground on top of a coral reef in the Kawaihae Harbor. Unfortunately, the reef inside the harbor is rich with coral colonies and is much healthier than on the outside. The boat grounded itself in the shallowest part of the reef, ranging from  1 ft-6 ft underwater at low tide.  … Read more “Hulakai damaged coral reef”

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