clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation

This post is an ongoing conversation with EPA personnel regarding Kawaihae Harbor improvements.

I reviewed Section 404, as you mentioned only briefly. I also looked further into MPRSA Sections 102 and 103.

Please help us understand a few things as follows.

Section 404

Section 404 of the CWA provides for a permit program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.Read more “clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation”

Focus on limiting Federal Funding for the Kawaihae Harbor Improvements

We will attempt to reduce federal funding for HDOT’s future improvements at Kawaihae Harbor by contacting congressional oversight committees responsible for distributing those federal funds to tell them HDOT needs to be more forthcoming about the Kawaihae Harbor improvement plans.  

Simply put, HDOT will continue to request funding for its improvements.… Read more “Focus on limiting Federal Funding for the Kawaihae Harbor Improvements”

Kawaihae Harbor’s Future Pier 3 Will Break the Law

Hawaii Department of Transportation Harbor Division will break the law by violating the President Executive Order 13089 for the protect coral reefs as they move forth with their master plan 2035.

We have submitted a Report of Environmental Violations by Hawaii Department of Transportation plans to build its Kawaihae Harbor’s phase 4 expansion.… Read more “Kawaihae Harbor’s Future Pier 3 Will Break the Law”

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