The manta rays had been at Kawaihae Harbor the day before. We could see them when we arrived the next day. It was a clear day with a light onshore breeze. There was a slight swell, and as is expected, the mantas preferred the water stirred up and the waves pushing their food against the break wall.… Read more “manta rays 11.26.2024”
What do you do if a critically endangered Hawksbill sea turtle is in danger?
To answer this question, we have started a process and will update it as it progresses. We contacted a Hawaii Department of Aquatic Resource, DAR staff member. She mentioned NOAA and ESA, the Endangered Species Act in her email.
Update 2024.10.09
Irene K. Kelly
Sea Turtle Recovery Coordinator
NOAA Fisheries – Pacific Islands Region
Irene responded, ” We are aware that hawksbills like to live in harbors statewide.Unfortuately… Read more “What do you do if a critically endangered Hawksbill sea turtle is in danger?”