We confirm that preparatory work for the harbor’s future development/improvement has begun. In September 2024, AECOM flew its drones to do aerial surveys of the coral flats as part of the state-wide photometry survey for sea level rise modeling. Yesterday, a ground survey crew was in the area. They were surveying the areas encompassed in the planned improvements and, likely, a new pier proposed in the HI Commercial Harbors Masterplan 2035 for Kawaihae Harbor.… Read more “Survey work at harbor beach 3.18.2025”
Kawaihae Reef, a fragile resilience
clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation
This post is an ongoing conversation with EPA personnel regarding Kawaihae Harbor improvements.
I reviewed Section 404, as you mentioned only briefly. I also looked further into MPRSA Sections 102 and 103.
Please help us understand a few things as follows.
Section 404
Section 404 of the CWA provides for a permit program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.… Read more “clarification and affirmation with EPA conversation”