History is about to repeat itself when the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Harbors Division implements its 2035 Commercial Harbor Master Plan for Kawaihae Harbor shortly.
Kawaihae had a mile-long beach stretching from the north small boat harbor to the Heiau of Pu’ukoholā Heiau National Historic Site before dredging the reef and constructing the Kawaihae Harbor. The decisions that led up to the destruction of the largest reef of the island to build a peninsula from coral remains, and a harbor in the windiest part of the area would rest on local business interests and the expertise of the Army Corps of Engineers, at the expenses of local families who had to relocate (some stayed while others’ properties were condemned, so they were forced to relocated elsewhere) and of course the coral reef.
A project such as this today would be impossible. We are now thankful for environmental impact studies, regulations, and education about the ocean and corals’ critical roles in contributing to our well-being.
The Harbor was constructed from 1957 to 1959, and the town of Kawaihae lost its beach and easy ocean access but gained an industrial zone on an artificial peninsula. Fortunately, over the years, the relationships of the entities DOT, DLNR, U.S. Military, Young Brothers, commercial boat touring companies, and lastly, the public that shared the usage of the Harbor worked well. Everyone had access in one form or another. The area left open and unplanned is often referred to as the Coral Flat or LSD, landing ship dock.

The public used this as their easily access beach, where families can drive up and pitch a day tent. The water is clean and protected, so children play along the sand. This one thousand-foot-long artificial beach is the last place on the island to be accessed this way. Though all the other beaches on this side of the island are accessible, they are made more difficult through public or private ownership: residences, resorts, and state beach parks.

This beach is where many locals grew up playing on the sand and water with their families, uncles and aunties, cousins, and friends. It is also where some of the best shells can be found. During certain times, one can have it all to oneself. However, this beach will be lost.
In its place is a new Pier 3, according to the Master Plan.

If this is a complex concept to believe and to accept, here is a before and after comparison:

It is easy to imagine what the beach looks like with a new Pier 3. One only has to look back at the existing Pier 1 and container yard across the water.
Reading briefly through the Master Plan, I found no mention of a replacement beach once this little beach is being planned out.
Compatibility with Recreational Uses
Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor (South) is located in the southwest corner of the Coral Flats. Dedicated access to this facility has to be provided to recreational users that are outside of the maritime security area. The challenge is to identify a separate roadway alignment that will provide dedicated access for recreational users.
The plan allows recreational users to access the Kawaihae South Small Boat Harbor and Pelekane Bay. This plan looks good from a Google Map or aerial point of view: we see proximity to the water, but once on the ground, we find no easy access for the locals to wade into the water. Pelekane Bay is polluted with mud from runoff. The water is dark brown and is infested with reef sharks. It is also becoming more and more shallow. Last checked, a person can walk in knee-high water to the mouth of the Bay from shore. In a very short time, within years, Pelekane Bay will become a muddy beach. At best, nonboating recreational users will use the new boat ramp to be installed in the next phase of the South Small Boat Harbor to access the ocean in the Harbor.
The taxpayers are paying for another set of ventures that will eventually remove them from the decision-making process.
I have a nagging feeling that though some of the public are aware of the changes known as harbor improvements, they are not aware that they are about to lose another fundamental thing: Hawaiians and all who live here are entitled to easy access to the ocean.
Update 6.4.19: Thank you for reading about this critical issue. I have contacted David Tarnas, the representative for District 7, and he is interested. I urge those interested in this issue and wanting to do something about it to please contact him.
Senate District 4
Hawaii State Capitol
Room 210
phone: 808-586-7335
fax: 808-586-7339
David A Tarnas
House District 7
Hawaii State Capitol
415 South Beretania St.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Room 328
phone: 808-586-8510
fax: 808-586-8514
Some Contact Information:
Directory of the Harbors Division
Hale Awa Ku Moku Building
79 South Nimitz Highway
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4898
Hawaii District Commercial Harbors
Port of Hilo
80 Kuhio Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone (808) 933-8850/933-8853/933-8854
Hawaii District Manager – Jeff D. Hood (808) 933-8850
Business Services Supervisor – Ana Marie Aiu (808) 933-8850
Kawaihae Harbor
P.O. Box 44904
Kawaihae, Hawaii 96743
Marine Cargo Specialist – Debra L. Kuntz (808) 882-6213
Fax (808) 882-6212
What else are they going to take away from the kawahie family’s that spend their life at this place? This is so sad how people can think about money projects and not about the livelihood of the people. People work hard but make the time to spend family time at the one beach that they grown-up and now share with their kid’s and grandchildren and now to take it away for money projects is very sad.
Please, for the love of all that is holy, STOP. We don’t need another Oahu. Leave Hawai’i Island Country. Let people access the beach, fish, swim, and continue ohana traditions. Once the natural resources of this aina are gone, they are gone. Wake up!!
Thank you for the information as I will now use it to visualize that this will NOT HAPPEN AND THAT IT CAN AND WILL BE STOPPED. The article written is suggesting where we are already losing a beach which is a plan but has not actually occured, it creates hostile and negative energy. It is possible to prevent this from actually happening. Our Island and coastlines will be preserved, and there are many ways this will be prevented. Your information provided will be very useful in its protecting process.
our isle is on an on going growth its made with tubes caves life grows made kind lives on it will and may happen the needs too lives right now we the people the government at we stand gives all good things that become end end no were too stand..life is growth were do life starts from our sea we are the needs to live.why our sand our need grows in god we trust living together has grow and its we people persons life is were we live.There an say sun of a beach and mother nature has an an place too spend an weekend.not riding an office chair or an bed give the wealth the the need place give an hand to our mothe nature and control your growth one day there wkill be no were too stand .
Why do we need more dock space in Kawaihae? The log ships don’t come any more and there’s enough room for the container and fuel barges that go in there. Also, the location of proposed pier 3 is exposed to the northwest swell and would be unusable many days in the winter.
Excellent questions Rudy. I do not have any of those answers. I opine that more containers and stuff do not lower the cost of goods nor does it lowers the cost of fuel. We will still pay more for things shipped here. Those cost are not going down if fuel price are rising. More things for landfills and or will end up in the ocean. Better for all of us if we are more self sufficient as island dwellers in sustaining ourselves.
also trucks hauling roads travel in been somewhat danger and trucks follow like they only them on road your right they had hilo to dock but in the past the state would weigh containers at the harbor but how to me trucks are hauling over weigh an we the government the people have to put up with the states understanding from their chair to receive their needs but when its for the goods that we have too put into needs with weigh taxes taxe at add the pump for 15 cent more shipment came in store over stock they report lost but when the needs to take a brake with family they don’t care it needs is important for us
Is there anything that can be done to help fight this other than emailing our representativesl, or is it a “done deal”?
Thanks for your comment regarding what is there to do about these issues. We are still trying to figure out how to move forward. This is a complex situation. Here is what we do know:
I wrote letters to Tarnas, Inouye, Ige, BLNR, and Harry Kim. So far Tarnas is the only one who replied in earnest. We do not know if they understand the situation because there is not much feedback.
We are asking Kohala Center, Sierra Club, and Nature Conservancy for their help to organize and leadership.
We as citizen have to know what we want the outcome to be. Generally, folks will want to kept things as they are, but we need a permanent solution: a public access beach just like the one we are used to. The Coral Flats beach is for locals, children, and older folks, because it is protected and clean. If there is enough resistance to stop the harbor from expanding and forgo any more construction that can do harm to the reef and the environment, then that is the best outcome. But we also need to plan ahead for the more likely event that DOT will get what it wants.
We all need to agree that we like to have a permanent replacement beach that met the basics needs of the locals. There maybe other solutions, but we feel that restoring part of the Kawaihae shore line that was covered up when the harbor was constructed is the best solution going forward. We describe in detailed here : https://wp.me/pb5iSG-n9 . Then we can pressure the elected officials to put it on their agenda to create funds to make it happen.
We need all the help we can get from everyone to learn about what we are about to lose and solutions to be had, so that we are united in what we hope to achieve. If you want to help, more than writing letters, please talk to as many folks as possible and tell them to do the same. We are learning as we go because, we do not know if asking the State Of Hawaii to uncovered, and restored a portion of the coast line that was buried since Hawaii was still a territory has been attempted. However, we deeply believe that the solution is a win win for everyone. Thank you so much for your interests and following us
This is disturbing news!! This place is a way of life for many, myself included. Actually it’s more than that. This spot represents Ohana, unity, community building & much more. At the end of the day they need to make this right!!! It’s called compromise!! Come up with another plan. For example, why can’t they build on the back side with the shark infested brown water area instead of the area where we the locals gather. This is one of the biggest gathering spots in this desolate area of South Kohala district. This is a very special spot for locals and anyone visiting. This spot should not be taken it should be shared. I’m in Maui now but my heart is on the Kohala Coast.